Tabs Database
604 lyrics found
15 Step (guitar tab)
15 Step (bass tab)
15 Step
15 Step Intro (guitar tab)
2+2=5 (guitar tab)
2+2=5 (bass tab)
2+2=5 (guitar chord)
4 Minute Warning (guitar chord)
4 Minute Warning
A Punch Up At A Wedding (bass tab)
A Punchup at a Wedding
A Punchup At A Wedding (perfect) (bass tab)
A Reminder (guitar tab)
A Reminder
A Wolf At The Door (guitar tab)
A Wolf At The Door (bass tab)
A Wolf At The Door
Airbag (guitar tab)
Airbag (bass tab)
Airbag (guitar chord)
Airbag2 (guitar tab)
All I Need (guitar tab)
All I Need
All I Need Bass (guitar tab)
All I Need Intro (guitar tab)
All I Need (intro) Bass (guitar tab)
Alligators In New York Sewers
Alligators In New York Sewers (guitar tab)
Amnesiac Morning Bell
Anyone Can Play Guitar (guitar tab)
Anyone Can Play Guitar (bass tab)
Anyone Can Play Guitar
Anyone Can Play Guitar2 (guitar tab)
Anyonecanplayguitar (guitar tab)
Areminder (guitar tab)
Arpeggi (guitar tab)
Backdrifts (guitar chord)
Banana Co (bass tab)
Banana Co (guitar tab)
Banana Co
Banana Co (guitar chord)
Bananaco (guitar tab)
Bangers And Mash
Bangers N Mash (guitar tab)
Been Thinking Bout You (guitar tab)
Been Thinking Bout You (guitar chord)
Been Thinking Bout You (chords) (guitar tab)
Bends (guitar chord)
Big Boots (aka Man-o-war)
Big Boots (man-o-war) (guitar tab)
Big Boots (man-o-war)
Big Ideas (bass tab)
Big Ideas (guitar tab)
Big Ideas (don't Get Any) (aka Nude)
Big Ideas (nude) (guitar tab)
Big Ideas (nude) (guitar chord)
Bishops Robes (guitar chord)
Bishops Robes (guitar tab)
Bishop's Robes
Bishopsrobes (guitar tab)
Black Star (guitar tab)
Black Star (bass tab)
Black Star (guitar chord)
Black Star
Black Star2 (guitar tab)
Blackstar (guitar tab)
Blow Out
Blow Out (guitar tab)
Blow Out Bass (guitar tab)
Blowout (guitar tab)
Bodysnatchers (guitar tab)
Bodysnatchers Intro (guitar tab)
Bones (guitar tab)
Bones (bass tab)
Bones (guitar chord)
Bullet Proof (guitar tab)
Bullet Proof (guitar chord)
Bullet Proof I Wish I Was (bass tab)
Bullet Proof I Wish I Was (guitar tab)
Bullet Proof I Wish I Was
Bullet Proof2 (guitar chord)
Bullet Proofi Wish I Was (guitar tab)
Bulletof (chords) (guitar tab)
Bulletproff I Wish I Was (guitar tab)
Bulletproof (guitar tab)
Bulletproof (bass tab)
Bulletproof I Wish I Was (bass tab)
Bulletproof I Wish I Was (guitar tab)
Bulletproof I Wish I Was
Bulletproof I Wish I Was (guitar chord)
Bulletproof... Wish I Was (guitar tab)
Climbing Up The Walls (bass tab)
Climbing Up The Walls (guitar tab)
Climbing Up The Walls (guitar chord)
Climbing Up The Walls
Climbingupthewalls (guitar tab)
Climbingupthewallsbass (guitar tab)
Coke Babies
Coke Babies (guitar tab)
Cokebabies (guitar tab)
Creep (guitar tab)
Creep (bass tab)
Creep (guitar chord)
Creep Acoustic (guitar chord)
Creep Acoustic (guitar tab)
Creep Acoustic
Creep (Acoustic version)
Creep Crd (guitar tab)
Creep (Version 2) (guitar tab)
Creepacoustic (guitar tab)
Creepbass (guitar tab)
Dollars & Cents (bass tab)
Dollars And Cents (bass tab)
Dollars And Cents (guitar tab)
Dollars And Cents
Dollars Cents (bass tab)
Dollars Cents (guitar tab)
Dollars Cents
Down Is The New Up (guitar tab)
Down Is The New Up
Egyptian Song (guitar tab)
Egyptian Song
El President (guitar tab)
Electioneering (guitar tab)
Electioneering (bass tab)
Everything (easy To Follow) (bass tab)
Everything In Its Right Place (bass tab)
Everything In Its Right Place (guitar chord)
Everything In Its Right Place (guitar tab)
Everything In Its Right Place
Exit Music (guitar tab)
Exit Music (bass tab)
Exit Music (guitar chord)
Exit Music
Exit Music For A Film (guitar tab)
Exit Music For A Film (bass tab)
Exit Music For A Film
Exit Music Trem Picked High Bits (guitar tab)
Exitmusic (guitar tab)
Exitmusicdrum (guitar tab)
Exitsong (guitar tab)
Exitsong (guitar chord)
Exitsong (chords) (guitar tab)
Fade Out Street Spirit (guitar tab)
Faithless (guitar tab)
Faithless The Wonder Boy (bass tab)
Faithless The Wonder Boy (guitar tab)
Faithless The Wonder Boy
Faithless The Wonderboy (bass tab)
Faithless Wonder Boy
Fake Plastic Trees (guitar tab)
Fake Plastic Trees (bass tab)
Fake Plastic Trees (guitar chord)
Fake Plastic Trees
Fake Plastic Trees (Version 2) (guitar chord)
Fakeplastictrees (guitar tab)
Faust ARP
Fitter Happier (guitar tab)
Fitter Happier
Fitterhappier (guitar tab)
Fog (bass tab)
Fog Again (guitar chord)
Fog Again (guitar tab)
Follow Me Around (guitar tab)
Follow Me Around
Gagging Order (guitar tab)
Gagging Order
Go Slowly
Go To Sleep (guitar tab)
Go To Sleep (bass tab)
Go To Sleep
Good Morning Mr. Magpie or Morning m'Lord
High And Dry (guitar tab)
High And Dry (bass tab)
High And Dry (guitar chord)
High And Dry
High And Dry Acoustic (guitar tab)
High & Dry (guitar tab)
High & Dry
Highanddry (guitar tab)
Highanddrybass (guitar tab)
House Of Cards (guitar tab)
House Of Cards
How Can You Be Sure (guitar tab)
How Can You Be Sure (guitar chord)
How Can You Be Sure
How Can You Be Sure (chords) (guitar tab)
How Do You (guitar tab)
How Do You
How I Made My Millions (guitar tab)
How I Made My Millions
How To Disappear Completely (guitar chord)
How To Disappear Completely (bass tab)
How To Disappear Completely
How To Disappear Completely (guitar tab)
How To Disappear Completely And Never Be Found (bass tab)
How To Disappear Completely And Never Be Found (guitar tab)
How To Disappear Completely And Never Be Found (guitar chord)
Howcanyoubesure (guitar tab)
Howdoyou (guitar tab)
Howimademymillions (guitar tab)
Hungry (guitar tab)
Hungry (chords) (guitar tab)
Hunting Bears (bass tab)
Hunting Bears (guitar tab)
Hunting Bears
I Am A Wicked Child
I Am Citizen Insane
I Can (bass tab)
I Cant (guitar tab)
I Cant (bass tab)
I Cant (guitar chord)
I Can’t
I Cant (chords) (guitar tab)
I Could Be Wrong
I Froze Up
I Might Be Wrong (guitar tab)
I Might Be Wrong (bass tab)
I Might Be Wrong
I Might Be Wrong Acoustic (guitar tab)
I Might Be Wrong Acoustic Solo (guitar tab)
I Might Be Wrong Intro (guitar tab)
I Promise (guitar tab)
I Promise
I Want None Of This (guitar chord)
I Want None Of This (guitar tab)
I Will (bass tab)
I Will (guitar tab)
I Will
Icant (guitar tab)
Idioteque (guitar tab)
Idioteque (bass tab)
Idioteque (guitar chord)
Idioteque (Live)
In Limbo (guitar tab)
In Limbo (bass tab)
In Limbo
India Rubber (guitar tab)
India Rubber (bass tab)
India Rubber
Indiarubber (guitar tab)
Innocent Civilian (guitar tab)
Inside my head (bass tab)
Inside my head (guitar tab)
Inside my head
Inside My Head (Live) (guitar tab)
Insidemyhead (guitar tab)
Insidemyheadbass (guitar tab)
Ipromise (guitar tab)
Jigsaw Falling Into Place (bass tab)
Jigsaw Falling Into Place
Jigsaw Falling Into Place Intro (guitar tab)
Just (guitar tab)
Just (bass tab)
Just (acoustic) (guitar tab)
Just Bass (guitar tab)
Just - Jonnys Bit (guitar tab)
Just2 (guitar tab)
Karm Police (guitar tab)
Karma Police (guitar tab)
Karma Police (bass tab)
Karma Police
Karma Police (chords) (guitar tab)
Karma Police (edited) (guitar tab)
Karma Police (full Song) (bass tab)
Karma Police (piano Arranged For Guitar) (guitar tab)
Karmapolice (guitar tab)
Karmapolicebass (guitar tab)
Karmapolicedrum (guitar tab)
Kid A (guitar tab)
Kid A (bass tab)
Kid A
Kid A Album (guitar tab)
Killer Cars (guitar tab)
Killer Cars (guitar chord)
Killer Cars
Killer Cars (acoustic) (guitar tab)
Killer Cars (chords) (guitar tab)
Killer Cars (Mogadon version) (guitar tab)
Killercars (guitar tab)
Killercarsacoustic (guitar tab)
Killercarsmogadon (guitar tab)
Knives Out (guitar tab)
Knives Out (guitar chord)
Knives Out
Knives Out Intro (guitar tab)
Last Flowers (guitar chord)
Last Flowers (guitar tab)
Last Flowers
Let Down (guitar tab)
Let Down (bass tab)
Let Down
Let Down, Lead Bits (guitar tab)
Letdown (guitar tab)
Letdownbass (guitar tab)
Lewis (bass tab)
Lewis (guitar tab)
Lewis Mistreated (guitar tab)
Lewis Mistreated
Lewismistreated (guitar tab)
Life In A Glass House (guitar chord)
Life In A Glass House (bass tab)
Life In A Glass House (guitar tab)
Life In A Glass House
Life In A Glass House Bass (guitar tab)
Life In A Glasshouse (bass tab)
Life In A Glasshouse (guitar chord)
Lift (bass tab)
Lift (guitar tab)
Like Spinning Plates (guitar tab)
Like Spinning Plates (guitar chord)
Like Spinning Plates
Like Spinning Plates Live (guitar tab)
Lozenge Of Love (guitar tab)
Lozenge Of Love
Lozengeoflove (guitar tab)
Lucky (guitar tab)
Lucky (bass tab)
Lucky (acoustic) (guitar tab)
Lucky (chords) (guitar tab)
Lull (guitar tab)
Lull (bass tab)
Lurgee (guitar tab)
Lurgee (bass tab)
Man-O-War (guitar tab)
Maquiladora (guitar tab)
Maquiladora (bass tab)
Maquilladora (guitar tab)
Meeting In The Aisle (bass tab)
Meeting In The Aisle (guitar tab)
Meetingintheaisle (guitar tab)
Melatonin (guitar tab)
Metting in The Aisle
Million Dollar Question (guitar tab)
Million Dollar Question
Milliondollarquestion (guitar tab)
Molasses (guitar tab)
Morning Bell (guitar tab)
Morning Bell (bass tab)
Morning Bell
Motion Picture Soundtrack (guitar tab)
Motion Picture Soundtrack
Motion Picture Soundtrack Intro (guitar tab)
My Iron Lung (guitar tab)
My Iron Lung (bass tab)
My Iron Lung
My Iron Lung Full Correct (guitar tab)
My Iron Lung Intro (guitar tab)
My Iron Lung Live (guitar tab)
Myironlungbass (guitar tab)
Myxomatosis (guitar tab)
Myxomatosis (bass tab)
National anthem (bass tab)
National anthem (guitar chord)
National anthem (guitar tab)
National anthem
Nice Dream (guitar tab)
Nice Dream (bass tab)
Nice Dream
Nice Dream (chords) (guitar tab)
Nice Dream Solo (guitar tab)
Nicedream (guitar tab)
No Ripcord
No Suprises
No Surprises (guitar tab)
No Surprises (bass tab)
No Surprises (guitar chord)
No Surprises
No Surprises (Acoustic) (guitar tab)
No Surprises (chords) (guitar tab)
Nobody Does It Better (guitar chord)
Nobody Does It Better (guitar tab)
Nobody Does It Better
Nobody Does It Better Cover (guitar tab)
Nobodydoesitbetter (guitar tab)
Nosurprises (guitar tab)
Nosurprisesbass (guitar tab)
Nosurprisesold (guitar tab)
Nude (bass tab)
Ok Computer Album (guitar tab)
Optimistic (bass tab)
Optimistic (guitar tab)
Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box (guitar tab)
Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box Bass (guitar tab)
Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Can (bass tab)
Packt Like Sardines In A Crushed Tin Box (bass tab)
Packt Like Sardines In A Crushed Tin Box (guitar tab)
Packt Like Sardines In A Crushed Tin Box
Packt like sardines live (bass tab)
Pact Like Sardines In A Crushed Tin Can (bass tab)
Palo Alto (guitar tab)
Palo Alto
Paloalto (guitar tab)
Paperbag Writer (bass tab)
Paperbag Writer
Paranoid Android (guitar tab)
Paranoid Android (bass tab)
Paranoid Android (guitar chord)
Paranoid Android
Paranoidandroid (guitar tab)
Paranoidandroidbass (guitar tab)
Paranoidandroiddrum (guitar tab)
Pearly (guitar tab)
Permanent Daylight (bass tab)
Permanent Daylight (guitar tab)
Permanent Daylight
Permanentdaylight (guitar tab)
Planet Telex (guitar tab)
Planet Telex (bass tab)
Planet Telex (guitar chord)
Planet Telex
Planet Telex (chords) (guitar tab)
Planettelex (guitar tab)
Planettelexbass (guitar tab)
Polyethene Part 1 (guitar tab)
Polyethylene (guitar tab)
Polyethylene (parts 1 & 2)
Polyethylene (parts 1 & 2) (guitar tab)
Polyethylene Pt 1 (guitar tab)
Polyethylene Solo (guitar tab)
Pop Is Dead (guitar tab)
Pop Is Dead
Popisdead (guitar tab)
Prove Yorself
Prove Yourself (guitar chord)
Prove Yourself
Prove Yourself (guitar tab)
Proveyourself (guitar tab)
Pull / Pulk Revolving Doors
Punchdrunk Lovesick Singa
Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong (guitar tab)
Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong
Punchdrunklovesicksingalong (guitar tab)
Pyramid Song (bass tab)
Pyramid Song (guitar chord)
Pyramid Song (guitar tab)
Pyramid Song
Rabbit (guitar tab)
Rabbit In Your Headlights (guitar tab)
Rabbit In Your Headlights
Rain Down (guitar tab)
Reckoner (guitar tab)
Reckoner (guitar chord)
Reckoner Acoustic (guitar chord)
Reminder (guitar tab)
Rip Cord (guitar tab)
Ripcord (guitar tab)
Ripcord (bass tab)
Ripcord (guitar chord)
Sail To The Moon (guitar tab)
Sail To The Moon
Scatterbrain (guitar tab)
Sing A Song For You (guitar tab)
Sit Down Stand Up (guitar tab)
Sit Down Stand Up (bass tab)
Sit Down Stand Up
Spooks (guitar tab)
Steet Spirit (guitar tab)
Stop Whispering (guitar tab)
Stop Whispering (bass tab)
Stop Whispering
Stopwhispering (guitar tab)
Street Spirit (guitar tab)
Street Spirit (bass tab)
Street Spirit (guitar chord)
Street Spirit
Street Spirit (chords) (guitar tab)
Street Spirit Fade Out (bass tab)
Street Spirit Fade Out (guitar tab)
Street Spirit Fade Out
Streetspirit (guitar tab)
Stupid Car (guitar tab)
Stupid Car
Stupidcar (guitar tab)
Subterranean Homesick Alien (guitar tab)
Subterranean Homesick Alien (bass tab)
Subterranean Homesick Alien
Subterraneanhomesickalien (guitar tab)
Subterranian Homesick Alien
Sulk (guitar tab)
Talk Show Host (guitar tab)
Talk Show Host (bass tab)
Talk Show Host
Talk Show Host Live Eds Part (guitar tab)
Talkshowhost (guitar tab)
Talkshowhostbass (guitar tab)
The Amazing Sounds of Orgy
The Amazing Sounds of Orgy (guitar tab)
The Bends (guitar tab)
The Bends (bass tab)
The Bends
The Bends Album (guitar tab)
The Gloaming (guitar chord)
The Gloaming (bass tab)
The Gloaming
The National Anthem (bass tab)
The National Anthem (guitar tab)
The National Anthem
The Second Part Of Paranoid Android (guitar tab)
The Thief (guitar tab)
The Tourist (guitar tab)
The Tourist (bass tab)
The Tourist
The Trickster (guitar tab)
The Trickster (bass tab)
The Trickster
Thebends (guitar tab)
There There (guitar tab)
There There (bass tab)
There There
There There Acoustic (guitar tab)
Thetourist (guitar tab)
Thetrickster (guitar tab)
Thinking About You (guitar chord)
Thinking About You (guitar tab)
Thinking About You
Thinking About You (EP Version)
Thinkingaboutyou (guitar tab)
This Mess Were In (guitar tab)
This Mess We're In (featuring PJ Harvey)
Trans Atlantic Drawl (bass tab)
Trans Atlantic Drawl
Treefingers (bass tab)
True Love Waits (bass tab)
True Love Waits (guitar tab)
True Love Waits
True Love Waits (keyboard /synth Part) (guitar tab)
Unklerabit In Your Headlights (guitar tab)
Untitled (wicked Child )
Up On The Ladder
Vegetable (guitar tab)
Vegetable Bass (guitar tab)
Videotape (guitar tab)
Videotape (guitar chord)
We Suck Young Blood
Weird Fishes / Arpeggi
Where Bluebirds Fly
Where I End & You Begin (bass tab)
Where I End And You Begin (guitar tab)
Where I End And You Begin (bass tab)
Where I End And You Begin
Wicked child (bass tab)
Wish You Were Here (guitar tab)
Wish You Were Here (guitar chord)
Wolf At The Door (guitar tab)
Wolf At The Door (guitar chord)
Wolf At Your Door (guitar tab)
Wonderwall (guitar tab)
Wonderwall (guitar chord)
Worry Wort
Yes I Am (bass tab)
Yes I Am (guitar tab)
Yes I Am
Yesiam (guitar tab)
You (guitar tab)
You (bass tab)
You And Whos Army? (bass tab)
You And Whos Army? (guitar tab)
You And Whose Army (bass tab)
You And Whose Army (guitar chord)
You And Whose Army (guitar tab)
You And Whose Army
You Never Wash Up (guitar tab)
You Never Wash Up After Yourself (guitar tab)
You Never Wash Up After Yourself (bass tab)
You Never Wash Up After Yourself
You & Whose Army (guitar tab)
You & Whose Army
Youbass (guitar tab)
Youneverwashup (guitar tab)