Kid A Album  (guitar tab)

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Album : KID A
album tablature
Added By Mikhailo

Everything In It's Right Place

(Keys arranged for guitar)

                  C           Dbmaj7  Eb6     
-------------   ------------------------------
-------------   ------------------------------
--5-----0----   --5---5-5-----5-5-----5-5-----
-----6-------   --5---5-5-----3-3-----5-5-----
-------------   --7---7-7-----4-4-----6-6-----
-----------8-   --8---8-8---------------------

repeat chords... watch tricky time signature (bar of 4/4 bar of 6/4)

at "Everything...." play
  F       C       Dbmaj7  Eb6

repeat until " it's right place" in which you play
intro pattern again.

at "Yesterday I woke up..." play

and repeat until intro verse pattern starts again (F,C,Dbmaj7,Eb6)

Those are all the parts. Enjoy!


Kid A

(Don't ask me why I felt the need to transcribe this song!)

(Keys arranged for guitar)

Enter new part (over intro):

Lyrics for previous verse:
I sit away
I sit down away

when drums, etc. disappear, play this (we'll call it part C):

Now, back to intro keys part (including 2nd part) for next verse

Lyrics for 2nd verse:
We got heads on sticks
And you got them toothpicks
We got heads on sticks
But you go in circles

Then, play part C, with these lyrics:

Stand and shout
Have no problems
Stand and shout
Have no problems
I am standing in the shadow
By the end of my bed

at "bed" play this 4x (actually on bass):

then after drums, play opening pattern again, and repeat.


National Anthem

bass arranged for gtr:

drop D tuning (DADGBE):
(repeat a whole bunch)

the theramin(?) part could be played on guitar as follows:


How To Disappear Completely And Never Be Found

capo on 2nd fret

This song feels very unusual to play, in terms of time. In essence,
though, the song is in 3/4 (waltz) time, with 8 bar phrases. Thom's
(?) guitar part has a strumming pattern which makes the time feel a
little funny, and the bass/keyboard figure repeats a dotted quarter
note pattern, which further clouds the original feel. This is all a
very technical way of saying listen to the song until you can hear
how the guitar part is supposed to be played.

Here is the 8-bar strumming pattern, which repeats (d=downstrum u=upstrum)
d d d | d d d | du u u | d du du | d du du | d du du | du u u | d du du |

Chords are held for 2 bars a piece.

C   Cadd9   C   Cadd9   Emin   Emin(add b6)   Emin   Emin(add b6)

Chord progression and strumming repeat for verse.

G  G(add11)  G  G(add11)  Emin  Emin(addb6)  Emin  Emin(addb6)

only other part is at end:
           Emin   Emin(add b6)

    C     Cadd9     Emin     Emin(addb6)        G      G(add11)    D   

Bassline/keyboard (transcribed for guitar - no capo):
Pattern starts on BAR 7 of 8 bar chord pattern, and repeats:

for chorus, line is less distinct. Focus on these 2 notes

-------           -------
-------           -------
-------           -------
-------   and     -------
---0---           -------
-------           ----2--



tuned to drop D (DADGBE)

strum the following 2x, then the second half 1x:

then to:

continue above riff during verse. Sounds like another
guitar enters playing this:

at "try the best you can" play:
(then immediately to verse riff)

Gtr 2 strums these chords for above part:
    C      G/B    Am      D

then palm-mute and repeat the following (approximate):

enter guitar 2:
|--let ring--|                        |--let ring--|

at "I'd really like to help you man" play:

that's it. You may have to piece some of the parts together, but
this should give you all you need to play the tune.


for guitar - 4/4, 2/4 time signature
transcribed from live the version in Arles, France - 13/06/00

I have tabbed out each riff and named them INTRO RIFF, VERSE RIFF and CHORUS
RIFF. To add a bit of structure, not that it's distinguishable (again), at
the end I have put a structure layout.

I think there are three guitars throughout. I don't know who plays the little
intro riff, probably thom, but when everyone comes in, Ed probably (maybe
Jonny) plays the main repeated riff. Jonny plays little delayed riffs here
and there.

H - hammer on
P - pull off
x - muted scratch

INTRO RIFF - 4/4, 2/4:

Here is the little riff before it kicks in. It might
have a short delay on, that's why it was so damn hard
to tab..!

    1   +   2   +   3   +   4   +   1   +   2   +
e -------------------------------------------------
B --1-3-3-3-----1-3-3---3---3-3-3-3-5-3-1-3---3-3--
G ---H-----------H-------------------P---H---------
D -------------------------------------------------
A -------------------------------------------------
E -------------------------------------------------

    1   +   2   +   3   +   4   +   1   +   2   +
e ---------------------------------------------------
B --1-3-3-3-3-3-1-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-1-3-3-3---3-1-3--
G ---H-----------H-------------------H-----------H---
D ---------------------------------------------------
A ---------------------------------------------------
E ---------------------------------------------------

Then it all kicks in but this guitar still continues
quietly throughout the verses, varying a little.

VERSE RIFF - 4/4, 2/4:

This is the main riff, playing triplets:

    1        2        3        4        1        2   
e --------------------------------------------------------
B --------------------------------------------------------
G --------0-----------------------------------------------
D -----3-----------0--------0-----------------0--------0--
A --5-----------3--------2--------2--------2--------3-----
E -----------5--------0--------------0--3--------1--------

Jonny does delayed scratching a lot and sometimes plays
little delayed licks on the 4th beat:

    4   +	    4   +
e -------	e -------
B -------	B --2-4-- - (discordant)
G --2-0--	G ---H---
D ---P---	D -------
A -------	A -------
E -------	E -------


Still playing triplets:

    1        2        3        4        1        2       (3)      (4)
e --------------------------------------------------
B --------------------------------------------------
G --------0--------0--------0--------0--------------
D -----1--------0--------5--------2-----2-----------
A --3--------1--------6--------3-----------3--2-----
E --------------------------------------------0--0--

Jonny does more delayed licks on the final 4th beat
of the above riff:

    4               4               4               4
e --0--         e --3--         e --3--         e --x--
B --0--         B -----         B -----         B --x--
G --0--         G -----         G -----         G --x--
D -----         D -----         D -----         D --x--
A -----         A -----         A -----         A --x--
E -----         E -----         E -----         E --x--

    4               4               4               4
e --3--         e -----         e -----         e --x--
B -----         B --3--         B --3--         B --x--
G -----         G -----         G -----         G --x--
D -----         D -----         D -----         D --x--
A -----         A -----         A -----         A --x--
E -----         E -----         E -----         E --x--

    4               4               4
e --3--         e --3--         e -----
B --0--         B -----         B --4-- - rpt. this to end
G -----         G -----         G -----
D -----         D -----         D -----
A -----         A -----         A -----
E -----         E -----         E -----


INTRO  4/4, 2/4 - play INTRO RIFF, then VERSE RIFF x4
VERSE  4/4, 2/4 - play VERSE RIFF x7
CHORUS 4/4      - play CHORUS RIFF x4
OUTRO  4/4, 2/4 - play VERSE RIFF x2
VERSE  4/4, 2/4 - play VERSE RIFF x8
CHORUS 4/4      - play CHORUS RIFF x4
OUTRO  4/4, 2/4 - play VERSE RIFF x2
VERSE  4/4, 2/4 - play VERSE RIFF x6
CHORUS 4/4      - play CHORUS RIFF to end

transcribed by Ben Wilkinson
- my homepage
- my radioheadpage 



no guitar, but you can approximate the keyboard voicings as follows:

 Gm(b6)     Cadd9            Gm    Ebmaj9


Morning Bell
keyboard adapted to guitar

  A5                   Dbm                   
(repeat 3x)

at "release me" play:
    G                 D
(repeat 2x)

same as intro - part I 3x, part II 2x

at "please" play:
   A5                                   A
(repeat 3x)

back to "release me" (G to D)

then back to verse. Gtr plays ambient noise, with effects,
focusing on these notes:

for the G and D on 2nd verse guitar enters:
    G                                     D

at "got the kids in bed" play:
    Em                  Abm
(repeat 3x)

    D                       A

(back to A5 to Dbm)

for keyboard and guitar - 5/4 time signature
transcribed from the live version in Arles, France on 13/06/00

to add a bit of structure, not that it's

Thom uses these chords throughout, but he obviously
uses secondary and tertiary variations too. The chord
changes occur every bar (five beats).

P - pull off

Am    - A C E
Amaj7 - A C# E G#
G     - G B D
D     - D F# A
Em    - E G B
Emaj7 - E G# B D#
A     - A C# E

Drums - 4 bars

Am	Amaj7		Am	Amaj7
Am	Amaj7
G	D		G	D

Am	Amaj7		Am	Amaj7
Am	Amaj7
G	D		G	D


BRIDGE (whammy and scratching guitars enter)
Am	Amaj7		Am	Amaj7
Am	Amaj7		Am	Amaj7
Am	Amaj7		Am	Amaj7
Am	Amaj7		Am	Amaj7
G	D		G	D

Em	Emaj7		Em	Emaj7
Em	Emaj7

Am	Amaj7		rpt. over

NB: towards the end, a clean guitar plays this twice...

   1     2     3     4     5     1     2     3     4     5

e -------0--------0--------0-----------0--------0--------0-----
B ----3--------3--------3-----3-----4--------4--------4-----4--
G -5--------5--------5-----------6--------6--------6-----------
D -------------------------------------------------------------
A -------------------------------------------------------------
E -------------------------------------------------------------


   1   2   3   4   5   1   2   3   4   5

e ----------------------------------------
B --P-----P-----P-------P-----P-----P-----
G -5-4---5-4---5-4-4---2-1---2-1---2-1-1--
D ----------------------------------------
A ----------------------------------------
E ----------------------------------------

   1   2   3   4   5   1   2   3  (4) (5)

e --------------------------------
B --P-----P-----P-------P-----P---
G -5-4---5-4---5-4-4---7-6---7-6--
D ---------------------7-6---7-6--
A --------------------------------
E --------------------------------

transcribed by Ben Wilkinson
- my homepage
- my radioheadpage 


Motion Picture Soundtrack

G    C   Gmaj7/B   C 

Gadd9 G         C               Gmaj7/B                    C
White wine, and sleeping pills, help me get back into your arms,
Gadd9 G        C           Gmaj7/B                   C
cheap sex, and sad films,  help me get  to where I belong,
                Em  C  G   D5/F#
I think you're crazy,  maybe
                Em  C  G   D5/F#
I think you're crazy,  maybe
Gadd9 G      C        Gmaj7/B            C
Stop sending letters, letters always get burned
    Gadd9 G       C            Gmaj7/B                 C
It's not like the movies, they fed us all little white lies,
               Em  C   G   D5/F#
I think you're crazy,  maybe
               Em  C   G   D5/F#
I think you're crazy,  maybe
B              Em     Em/D C#m7b5  Cmaj7   G
I will see you in the next life

Chords used:
Gadd9   G     C   Gmaj7/B   Em  D5/F#  B   Em/D C#m7b5 Cmaj7

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