Walls Of Jericho

Walls Of Jericho Studio Update

Walls Of Jericho

"yeah so. Ben is still a munch. Nothing on that end has changed. Today we finished up the drums. Its sounding awesome. I know everyone says that shit and every studio update is the same anymore but let me assure you im speakin the truth. We have spent 6 days on drums and we have definately got the best out of dustin. He should be really proud of himself as he's done a great job. So we have a few tricks up our sleeves for this record for sure. Some suprising twists so to speak. They may suck they may not. Im sure no matter what we do we will be accused of selling out, even if it was straight hard ass metal with no singing and all fuckin blast beats. You know how it is so dont hate the players hate the game. With that said for real there are some neat little things goin on and definately some suprises so get excited about that. It offers lots more diversity I think than most bands right now. But hell what do i know it may be the exact same record. Thats how it goes sometimes. whatever. we start on some sick intro to the record tomorrow. should be evil or stupid or something, not sure until its done how its gonna turn out but im optomistic so you should be too.ummmmmmmmmm, not a whole lot goin on other than that. aparently the hula hoop is the #1 toy of all time. seems weird, i would have picked monopoly or some shit. woohoo! and if you watch uranium all the time you will sometimes see videos of metal bands. yep we found that out through hard detective work and lots of patience.that is all for now. prepare to have this new record get you pregnant upon first listen, man or woman, boy or girl, no one is safe. yep."