Tourniquet - Martyr's Pose guitar tab
"Martyr's Pose"
Album: "Microscopic View of a Telescopic Realm"
Artist: Tourniquet
Words by Luke Easter, Music by Aaron Guerra
copyright 2000 Metal Blade Records Inc.
Transcribed by Zeb Lang (03/03/2000)
Tune down to B
Did not transcribe acoustic intro (Maybe in future)
(1:16) Verse A 4x
(1:38) Verse B 4x
(2:01) Chorus - Guitar 1 (Played with Guitar 2)
(2:01) Chorus - Guitar 2
(2:12) Chorus B 3x
Repeat Verse A
Repeart Verse B
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus B
Repeat Verse A
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