They Might Be Giants - 32 Footsteps lyrics
32 footsteps leading to the room where the paint doesn't want to dry
32 footsteps running down the road where the dirt reaches the sky
32 feathers in my brand-new indian headdress
32 new moons shining in 32 skies
What's the reasonwhy'd she go
Where's my babyI don't know
32 footstepscounted them myself32 footsteps
Bing bang bingalongcing cang cingalongding dang dingalong day
Fing fang fingalongging gang gingalonghing hang hingalong hay
Jing jang jingalongking kang kingalongling lang lingalong lay
Ming mang mingalongning nang ningalongping pang pingalong pay
What's the reasonwhy'd she go
Where's my babyI don't know
32 footstepscounted them myself32 footsteps
32 lies my ears never saw when the floorboards gave way
32 walls come tumbling down and the night turns to day
32 infantrymen running in place
32 boxcarsall of them have your face
What's the reasonwhy'd she leave
Don't you know we're on the eve of
32 footstepscounted them myself32 footsteps
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