Solange Knowles

Solange Knowles Admires Beyonce, But Feels Bad For Her

Solange Knowles

R&B singer Solange Knowles says she does not want to be as big as her superstar sister Beyonce and she is just fine where she’s at. "I don't want to get that far," the 21-year-old tells in a newly posted interview. "I feel really bad for my sister. I'm always like, 'Oh, let's go to the mall,' or 'Let's go here,' and she can't. I enjoy having that." In regards to be competing against Beyonce with her upcoming LP Solange & The Hadley Street Dreams, she says "I think that as artists we're totally different, and when my record comes out it will express that." "But I admire my sister so much," adds Solange. "She's one of my role models in that she is successful and classy. She's very diplomatic and lives her life true to self." Solange also shoots down some rumors, including the one that she left Daniel Smith, her husband – and father of her nearly 3-year-old son, Daniel Julez – for rapper Lil Wayne. "That's absolutely not true," she replies. "Yes, we know each other but I absolutely did not leave my husband for him." Defining her current marital status, Knowles says, "I am no longer married, but I think it's very important not to dish details. We are friends and we co-parent our son. When he gets older I don't want him to read anything about me saying anything about his father or vice versa." As for the rumor that she's undergone surgery for a new nose, Solange laughs and says, "Not true. I've heard that one, too. That one actually cracked me up. I mean if I got some surgery, I would wait until I’m older and pop out a couple more kids."