Ritchie Blackmore - Mem M Ingen guitar tab
R. Blackmore
"Shadow Of The Moon" '97 & "Blackmore's Kingdom" '98
Rather simple thing yet sounds rather nice (and nicer w/
soft woman voice in background). The errors may occur in the
middle part - it's hard to filter off voice and misc. strings.
Common tuning (EADGBE).
h - hammer on
p - poul off
/ - slide up/down
S - softly strum (sometimes _fast_ separate note picking
sounds better)
In this song strum always goes upside down (to higher notes)
|, - these are beat marks. | is major beat mark, , is minor.
* - let it sound so long as you wish (Blackmore sometimes waits
until sound completly fades away).
|--3--| - triplet
||----...|-----||-------- - Play A, B, A and on from C