Renee Fleming

Renee Fleming - End of All Things lyrics

Destruction of the Ring

Mi naurath Orodruin

Boe hedi i Vin.

Han i vangad i moe ben bango.

Sin eriol natha tur in ugarnen

Sin eriol um beleg ugannen

U cilith 'war

U men 'war

Boe vin mebi

Boe vin bango

Into the fires of Orodruin

The One must be cast.

This [is] the price that must be paid.

Only thus its power will be undone,

Only thus a great evil unmade.

There is no other choice,

There is no other way.

One of you must take it,

One of you must pay.


Not Once, Not Ever

Dannen le

A u-erin le regi

Rang ail le iestannen

Lu ail le tegin na hen.

Gwannach o innen ului

U lu erui, ului.

You have fallen.

And I cannot reach you.

Ever step I willed you on,

Every moment I lead you to this.

You never left my mind,

Not once, not ever.


Don't Let Go

Anirach unad

Egor gurth hen

Han cenin vi chen lin

Egor u-erin le devi

Tellin men achae

Brennin men anann

Rago! U-erich leithio,

U-erich o nin gwanno.

You want nothing more

Than this death.

I see it in your eye.

But I cannot let you

We have come too far

We have held on too long.

Reach! You cannot let go,

You cannot leave me.


The Mountain of Fire

Nu dalav

Urui tuiannen na ruith

Leithia Orodruin oe in phan.

Ristannen i geven,

Danna eliad morn.

Si, na vethed

Meth i naid bain

I wilith uria

I ardhon ban lacha!

Beneath the ground

Swollen hot with anger

Orodruin releases all its ruin.

Earth rips asunder

Black rain falls.

Here at the end;

The end of all things.

The air is aflame,

All the world is on fire!


The Eagles

Orthannen im vi ol

Coll e du

Or hiriath naur

Na rovail mae sui 'waew

Man prestant i ardhon?

Cerithar aen illiad dim uthenin?

In a dream I was lifted up.

Borne from the darkness

Above the rivers of fire.

On wings doft as the wind.

What's happened to the world?

Is everything sad going to come untrue?

---Thanks to

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