Wake Up  (guitar tab)

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Rage Against The Machine - Wake Up

Drop D tuning

                      gtr.1 reapeat this 8 times
fade in w/volume knob

during those 8 times, gtr. 2 play....
bend full then realease, one measure at a time while tremolo picking

let ring ( this is the long silent part)
            bend all full(1)
      /    /    /    /    /    /   /

switch to a more bassy tone here






during tha verse, a second guitar uses a wah pedal like this
|------------------------------------| 0= closed(bass)
|-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x----| x= open(treble)  
  0       x       0       x             

I am sure a talkbox is used here
Repeat 2 times


second guitar starts this the second time through                                 |-----------------------------------|

Both guitars
palm mute the fast parts

         |____play this bit over and over____|

for the quiet part,palm mute

The rest of the song is just the main riff repeated in a few places

The second solo is just a harmonizer gone mad so it's not worth tabbing

Have fun.
Get 'Wake Up' at: amazon.com  sheetmusicplus.com

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