Wollt Ihr Das Bett In Flammen Sehen (bass tab)
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Tab: Wollt Ihr Das Bett in Flammen Sehen? Artist: Rammstein Album: Herzeleid Tabbed by: Levi Lasyone Song written by: Rammstein Drop D tuning Intro G|---------------- D|---------------- A|---------------- D|2-4-3|4x|3-3|8x| (repeat this sequence 4x) Wollt Ihr.... G|---------------------------- D|---------------------------- A|---------------------------- D|2-4-3--0-0-0--2-4-3--0-0-0-- Sex.... G|--------- D|--------- A|--------- D|0-3-0-3-0 For the "Rammstein!" part, just repeat the "Wollt Ihr..." part as many times as needed. That's it. Have fun.
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