It’s Official: R. Kelly’s Former Publicist’s Husband George Daniels Says The Pied Piper Bed His Daughter
George Daniels, a music industry veteran and Chicago based retailer confirmed rumors that he and his wife, former R. Kelly publicist Regina Daniels, have cut off ties with the R&B crooner because of an intimate relationship Kelly had with their daughter, Maxine. Last November, Regina Daniels released a statement announcing her resignation as Kelly’s publicist, stating he betrayed her. Now, her husband George Daniels is speaking out about the situation, confirming reports about what led to the bad blood. "He crossed the line with my daughter," Daniels said during an interview with Los Angeles radio station KJLH. "It didn't get to the extreme of that [sex tape] video or else I wouldn't be here, if you know what I'm talking about." Maxine, who was 21 when the relationship occurred, is still in college at Northern Illinois University and "doing very well," Daniels tells KJLH's morning show host Guy Black. Though his daughter was of legal age, he says Kelly still took advantage of her. "When you're 21, and if you've been there already like I've been many years ago, you're still 15 to 16 mentally. You're vulnerable," Daniels explained. Daniels said he and his wife would hear rumors about her daughter and Kelly having relations, and it took a while for his daughter to come clean and admit it. When she finally did, Daniels said he immediately confronted Kelly. "He denied it. He lied to me to my face," Daniels said. "The reason that I'm talking about this, it's not just for me, it's not for my wife, it's not for my daughter, but it's for the public," Daniels added. "It's for other fathers and mothers because it doesn't have to be a superstar, it could be the dude on the corner. There are guys who sit around and give your child a couple of bucks to go to school and then wait until they get a little older, then they set that trap. See, so I'm doing this really for everyone." Listen to the interview below: