Tavaszi Szel (guitar tab)
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Tavaszi Szél Traditional Hungarian folksong Performed by Queen at Népstadion, Budapest, Hungary on 27th July 1986 Put in Internet by Gonzalo Plaza R. (gplaza@gloria.cnt.cl) Transcribed by Felix Molina (If you have any coments for him, please e-mail to G. Plaza) This is for all the extreme-fanatic of Queen. Brian played with a Classical (nylon strings) Guitar and in normal tune (E-B-G-D-A-E). If you use the chord as I use, it's very easy. In the main riff use the following chords: / A | | |(1)| | use the first finger (left hand) in the 1st fret in ----------- the 3rd string and the other fingers making an A chord | | 2 3 4 | ----------- / E/A | | | 1 | | Because the main riff is a combination of A and E/A ----------- chords is a lot easier if you just pull up the | | 2 | | | fingers 3 and 4 ----------- Intro A E/A E---------------------0 Again is easier if you take for the 5th string B-2----2----0---------- the thumb finger, and for the other strings the G-2----2----1---------- rest of the fingers in order. D----2----2----2------- A-0-------------------- E---------------------- Voice (Main Riff) A E/A E--------------------|-----0--- I don't remember exactly how many times Brian does B-2----2----2----2---|0-------- this when Freddie sings. (In my score said two times G-2----2----2----2---|1-------- the main riff plus two A chord with this arpegio, D----2----2----2----2|--2------ :B-2---- A-0------------------|--------- G-2---- E--------------------|--------- D----2- ...and another) Harmonic A F# - B E A F# - E A E/G# F# - E--|--0-------2--2-|--2---0--0---2-|--4-----5---4--|-----------------------------| B------|--2-------2--2-|--5---0--2---2-|--5-----5---5--|--2-----2----2----2-----2----| G------|--2-------2--2-|--5---1--2---2-|--4-----6---4--|--2-----2----2----2-----2----| D------|--2-------4--4-|--5---2--2---4-|--------7---6--|-----4----4----4----4------4-| A------|--0-------4--4-|--2---2--0---4-|---------------|-----------------------------| E------|-----4----2--2-|-------0-----2-|--0------------|--2--------------------------| 1st time F# - E E-2---0--| B-2---0--| G-2---1--| D-4---2--| A-4---2--| E-2---0--| 2nd time E-5p4--2---------------------| B----------5-2---------------| G----------------4-2-1-------| D------------------------5-2-| A----------------------------| E----------------------------| One more complete (without the 2nd time part) and finish with a A chord E-0 B-2 G-2 D-2 A-0 E-- Tavaszi Szél vizet áraszt Virágom, virágom Minden madár társat választ Virágom, virágom Hát én immár kit válasszak Virágom, virágom Te engemet, én tégedet Virágom, virágom
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