P O D - Southtown guitar tab
if yopu want to learn how to play southtown, throw all the other tabs you have of it away. your guitar should be dropped down 1 step, but you will only need EADG strings.
-------------------------------------- played 4x's
-4-555--5--5555-4444-222--2--2222- played 4x's
-------------------------------------------------------------------- played
-5---5---7-7-7-7--5---5---7-7-7-7--2---2---4-4-4-4--2---2---4-4-4-4- 4x's
-555-5-5555-4444-222-2-2222-4444- played 4x's
-------------------------- played 3 x's
------------------------------------ played 4 x's and then
-2---4---5-----2---4---5--x--x----x- chorus is played 4 more
-0---2---3-----0---2---3--x--x----x- times.
and that is the whole song. if i can learn this in 10 minutes, anybody can.
any questions, coments, or corrections, email me ay guitarman_036@hotmail.com