Original Artist - Four-score Less Five guitar chord
Four Score Less Five
by: Verne Garrison Valley Park, Mo-08.08.07
Banjo tuned Eb Key of D
Four Score Less Five
Four(D)-score less (G) five years (D) ago
I was born a sharecroppers (A) son
My (D) mother was (G) very, very (D) pretty
And my dad was a good-looking (A) son of a (D) gun
It was during the (G) depression (D) years,
And times were really (A) tough
Folks (D) worked hard, fought (G) back their (D) tears
Slim pickins, but we always (A) seemed to have (D) enuf
We always had a (G) a garden and potato (D) patch
And an old cow, and a hog or (A) two
Chickens (D) waiting for (G) eggs to (D) hatch
Puttin food on the table was (A) hard to (D) do
There werent many (G) toys for little (D) boys
And the little girls had it tough (A) too
Wood (D) stick bats, and (G) an old sock (D) ball
Rag dolls, mud pies, about (A) all there was to (D) do
We grew up (G) really (D) fast
Kinda old for our (A) age
Trying (D) to be first, and (G) never (D) last
Unaware we were on (A) lifes big (D) stage
Now life has (G) changed since way back (D) then
When we did our chores early, then did them (A) again
Blackberries (D) no longer (G) mean good cobbler (D) pie
Kids go around the world (A) in a blink of the (D) eye
I guess things (G) must be (D) better,
That they were (A) before
I (D) know I need (G) a lot more (D) time
To even get out (A) the (D) door