Dr Phibes Rises Again  (guitar tab)

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From: "petter gydemo" 
Subject: m/misfits/dr_phibes_rises_again.tab
Date: Sat, 05 Jan 2002 19:36:50 +0100

band: The Misfits
song: "Dr Phibes rises again"
from: 'Cuts from the crypt' (Mars attacks demo session)

tabb: Petter Gydemo (pgydemo@hotmail.com)

I couldent find this one anywhere so i desided to tab it my self...
This is what i came up with, if somebody disagres about something please
mail me!

---Dr Phibes rises again---

Intro part: (the entire intro is played twice)


					   Pick Slide ----->


                      || Play this part at the end of the second
                      \/  turn

This is the main riff:




This is what is played during the verses:


         pm--------------------------|           pm--------------------------|


         pm--------------------------|           pm--------------------------|



Play this during the chorus:


the last time around ignore the 3 muted A:s and the B in the end as shown
and slide down from B!

this is the intro (2) to the heavier part:


After the intro above you play "heavy part 1":

Play this x4

then play:


...and the whole thing x3

then it goes a little something like this witch i prefer to call
"heavy part 2":

|--7----7--7--7----5----7----8----7----5----|   x3



Now to the solo:
This is most likely full of errors, and if somebody have a more correct
version, please, please mail it to me. But at least i tried...
(y?all have to put it all together and play it faster then it looks,
listen to the song...)

            ^(strange highfrq sound)       h  p h

    					  h  p

     p  h			      h

    h					h  p

   b  b   b   b   b   b   b   b

During the solo a second guitar plays:

play over and over.

At the end Play:
(im not too sure about this part either, especialy the fast part,
again mail me if you have the right answer.)


	       h  p    h  p   h                  pm--------|

play it a couple of times.

End with:



h  = hammer on
p  = pull of
/  = slide
b  = bend
pm = Palm mute


Intro        x2
main riff    x4
verse        x2
chorus       x2
main riff    x2
verse        x3
chorus       x3
main riff    x4
intro 2      x1
heavy part 1 x3
heavy part 2 x1
first intro  x1
main riff    x4
chorus       x4
end riff

Thats it
Mail me lyrics please...
Get 'Dr Phibes Rises Again' at: amazon.com  sheetmusicplus.com

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