Misc Television - Melrose Place guitar tab
In phronq@io.org (Michael P. Dines) writes:
I'm looking for tableture for the Melrose Place theme.. I'm planning on
suprising my lady-friend (who's a fan of the show) with it sometime soon...
Goes like this:
The \\ and / are slides up and down, as suggested. The b is my
screwed up notation for bend i.e. 15b17b15 means bend the 15th fret
up a full step, then back down a full step. 14b17b14 is
one-and-a-half steps, etc. The 14H is an artificial harmonic two
octaves above the fundamental. The closing lick is:
The transcription for the 90210 theme will be made available on
request (no, I don't watch Fox all day).
Dave Shapiro