Method Man Arrested for Marijuana Possession
Here we go again. Another rapper arrested for having weed. Man these guys never learn. Method Man (A.K.A. Clifford Smith) has been arrested for weed possession. He was stopped by Five-O (that's police for Hawaii Five O) for a minor traffic violation and the cops found marijuana during searching his vehicle. Rappers are not the smartest bunch of people on the planet are they?
Five-O, noticed that Method Man's 2005 Lincoln Navigator was expired and pulled him over at about 10 PM. He was driving towards the Battery Tunnel in Brooklyn, NY. When Method Man rolled down his window, Five-O said he smelled pot and spotted two "blunts" and a plastic bag with more marijuana in plain view. Hide the weed fool! Damn! Method Man admitted to Five-O to having even more weed underneath his seat.
Method Man was charged with unlawful possession of marijuana, criminal possession of marijuana, operating a motor vehicle under the influence and driving an un-inspected motor vehicle. I guess smoking all that weed does make you dumb as hell! Method Man Feat. Mary J Blige - All I NeedWu-Tang Clan - M.E.T.H.O.D. Man