
Metallica - Unforgiven Solo guitar tab

Author/Artist: Metallica

Title: The Unforgiven solo

Album: Black Album

Transcribed by: Jason


This solo has very cool bending work. Notice the

double stop bends in the first bar, a gradual bend

on the 5th string in bar 2, and a crazed 1 3/4-step

in bar 5. This solo is correct because I have The Art

of Hammett book, it's a great book you should get

it.In bar 4 its supposed to be stike once bend 4

times but its easier to strike each time you bend.

***NOTE: all bends are full step unless otherwise stated.***

There are no effects pedals used.

E-mail me for questions or for another

solo I dont have all of them but if I have the one you

want I'll submit it within a couple of days. It takes

weeks sometimes for things to get in the directory,

so you might want to just buy the book. Also check

out the Jimi Hendrix Foxey Ladey file i tabbed it might

not be in the directory yet.Enjoy!!!!







br=bend and release







bv=bend and vibrato







step step step







3-note A minor apreggio







the more v's the more vibrato







*fast fom 17 to bar* brp=bend and release then pull off to 17







Enjoy this solo its pretty straight forward nothing too hard

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