
Megadeth bassist Checks In From Helsinki


MEGADETH bassist James Lomenzo has issued the following update:

"Hell yeah! Helllllsinki!!! Sitting in the ***** ****** hotel here in Helsinki just burnin' off the flight, thought I'd catch up with you all and say hey and welcome to our big deluxe winter Tour Of Duty. It's great being back on this side of the world. We're looking forward to taking MEGADETH and Gigantour to a snowy street near you, think of us as your own personal napalm delivery device sent here to warm the cockles of your little metal hearts. New guitarist, Chris [Broderick; ex-JAG PANZER, NEVERMORE], is melding right in and we're all pretty stoked. Poor boy's been on the fast track getting the set together so let's give him a warm welcome!"