
Dave Mustaine responds to a rude fan


Megadeth star Dave Mustaine has fired off an angry missive to fans after a rude Japanese fan told him she'd posted a terrible live review of his band online. The heavy rocker cut short a meet-and-greet session in Japan earlier this week after a so-called fan upset him with news she'd written a damning review of the group's performance the previous night and posted it in cyberspace.

In a message on Megadeth's website, Mustaine threatens to pull all future fan sessions after the strange encounter. He fumes, "If there are ever going to be any more meet-and-greets, it will be traced back to this story. I was just meeting the gracious and always-polite Japanese fans, and some girl made sure to tell me that she proudly posted a bad review of our show."

"I was pretty surprised at how rude she was, and how mean it is to go up to someone and say, 'I posted a bad review of your show last night,' like I am supposed to thank her. (It's) too bad that she ruined it for the rest of the fans that were at the meet-and-greet. I can only wonder: What is it that she was trying to accomplish? Its like, `Dave, I just clogged your toilet! Aren't you proud of me?'"

"At least they both have one thing in common..."