Led Zeppelin

Gibson to release Page's EDS replicas

Led Zeppelin

The Gibson EDS 1275 is the guitar made famous by the Led Zeppelin star Jimmy Page. The double neck that the iconic guitarist used in concerts is going to be manufactured again after more than 30 years.

Gibson in collaboration with Jimmy Page are to release a limited edition of 25 replicas of his original Gibson EDS 1275. The guitars will feature Jimy Page's signature on the back of the headstock along with a Led Zeppelin DVD box set.

The legendary guitarist played classics like Starway to Heaven or Rain Song on his EDS 1275.

The replicas will be available starting from 18th of March at a price of 33.500 $.

Another 250 vintage Original Spec Signature Double Necks are also being made available which will not feature the signature of the guitarist on the headstock, and would cost between 10.000 $ and 12.000 $.