


The KISS Army March committee is proud to announce the details surrounding the events planned for Cleveland on August 4-5, 2006. The committee has announced that 100% of the net proceeds generated by the event will go to the American Cancer Society (ACS). ACS was chosen because former KISS drummer Eric Carr succumbed to the disease in 1991. Says Brian Harman, Regional Development Director with ACS, "This is a great community event put on by the KISS Army and the funds raised will help us KISS cancer goodbye."

The intent of the march is to gain the attention of the Selection Committee of the Hall and have them reconsider their decision to exclude KISS. Participants will assemble at noon in Voinovich Park behind the Hall of Fame and begin their march at 2 PM. Before and after the march, many KISS-related events will take place. You can find the itinerary at

Morley Seaver of did an interview with the planners to find out what drove them to start this rally. Says Chairman Paul Carpenter: Paul Carpenter: "The planning committee has been working day and night planning this event and it will be the biggest gathering of KISS fans this side of a KISS concert. Our goal from the beginning was to make this affordable for everyone to attend and that's what we have done. Hotel accommodations and venue information can be found on

We have had some hurdles along the way but we pushed through them. We are determined and the event will take place. The response from fans and the media around the world has been overwhelming. Everyone is jumping on board wanting to help out and stand up for what they believe in. You can hear details via radio from coast to coast, up north in Canada as well as over seas. The KISS Army has united, the word has spread from fan to fan and we are all ready to converge on Cleveland."

Fans are still urged to show their support. If you are interested and haven't yet done so, please go to the website listed above to sign the petition. Donations are also needed and welcome.

You can read the first part of this interview with Paul Carpenter at this location:

Also read the interviews with the other planners for the KISS Army March:

Kim Rolfe

Joe Apple

Tom Hale

Morley Seaver