
Calling all musicians in the KISS Army


If you are a musician (or one in training :)) and you have been influenced in any way by KISS, we need your help. The KISS Army March to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on August 5 in Cleveland will be staging a peaceful protest that day and would like to have some information for the Planning Committee.

Based on the criteria set out by the Hall of Fame, KISS has easily had a career that warrants inclusion. They've had the longevity, the record sales, the concerts'the whole ball of wax. Part of the criteria is that the band has to have had a major influence on the rest of the industry. Pick up just about any magazine where they're interviewing a musician and you'll see a mention of KISS somewhere in there. Either it was the artist's first concert, first record, first groupie'.whatever. The band has been an inspiration to many high profile artists such as Sebastian Bach, Rachel Bolan, Jerry Cantrell, Scott Ian'.and many more. What is there to debate?

We ask that you musicians write something outlining the effect KISS has had on you. It could be as short as a line or two. It could be as long as a page. We will accumulate this material and present it to the Hall of Fame. As well, we will be posting the list on several websites, including the official KISS Army Unites site ( and even presenting the list to KISS management at the conclusion of the rally so that the band knows who is supporting them. Please include the URL to any personal site you have as well as a line acknowledging the fact we will make this info public and we have your permission.

Please pass this on to everybody you know who might be interested. We have until the end of July to create this list so please don't delay.

These testimonials can be sent to and you can receive more info about the march from that address as well.