Kid Rock

Kid Rock To Spend Christmas with U.S. Troops

Kid Rock

Kid Rock has announced he's going to the Middle East to spend Christmas with the troops. The Detroit Cowboy will once again visit U.S. military personnel stationed in the Middle East, with an itinerary that sees him spending the upcoming holiday season alongside troops currently serving in both Kuwait and Iraq. The trip is sponsored by Armed Forces Entertainment and America Supports You.

'This year for Christmas I wanted to make sure somebody was thanking our troops for their service, no matter what our views are on the current situation in Iraq. I would be spending Christmas with my family, but in my heart I know this is the right thing to do - not only for our men and women in service, but also to set an example for my son and send a strong message to the world to be thankful and think of others at Christmas time.'

As the official Department of Defense agency for providing entertainment to U.S. military personnel overseas, Armed Forces Entertainment and its performers have the honor of supporting soldiers, airmen, marines and sailors by bringing them the very best in American entertainment.

Armed Forces Entertainment hosts over 1,200 shows around the world each year, reaching over 500,000 personnel at 270 military installations. From muddy makeshift stages to show-stopping extravaganzas, the performances bring a piece of home to those stationed far away from home.

Armed Forces Entertainment is proud to present our troops the finest American entertainment and proud to represent the thousands of entertainers who have volunteered their time to give them a well-deserved break from the action.

America Supports You is a nationwide program launched by the Department of Defense, recognizing citizens' support for our military men and women and communicating that support to members of our Armed Forces at home and abroad.

All across America, thousands of individual citizens, businesses, and groups - from local schools and establishments to nationally-known corporations and organizations - are hosting events and undertaking projects to support America's Armed Forces, especially in forward-deployed areas. The support of the American people builds and sustains the morale of those fighting, and communicates America's recognition and appreciation of their courage and commitment to our country.

The America Supports You program spotlights what Americans are doing all across the land, encourages others to join the team, and allows all to tell their stories by giving voice and visibility to their efforts.

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