Iced Earth

Iced Earths Jon Schaffer discusses the potential of the Something Wicked saga; A major motion picture possibly in the works?

Iced Earth

It's an exciting time in the world of Iced Earth. First, beloved vocalist Matt Barlow rejoined the band late last year. Now, the power metallers are on the cusp of releasing Part 2 of their epic "Something Wicked" saga. Part 2, which will be called "The Crucible of Man," and will be released on September 9, details the attempted destruction of the human race by a summoned creature called Set Abominae (the band's longtime mascot of sorts.) More than just music, Iced Earth founder and songwriter Jon Schaffer has huge plans for the saga including comics, graphic novels, action figures, and maybe even a major motion picture. He gave me a full rundown of all the goings on.