Haste The Day - Song Of Faith guitar tab
Artist: Haste the Day
Song: Song of Faith
2004 Solid State Records
0:00 - 0:20
0:20 - 0:43
0:43 - 1:15
1:15 - 1:45
1:45 - 2:16
2:16 - 2:47 strum each octave a lot
2:47 - 3:06
3:06 - 3:36
|-7v--5v--3v--2v---- one guitar repeats this
|-7---7-7s9---9-9s10---10-10s12------- other repeats this after
|------------------------------------- above gets through once
heres my best version of the riff the play
3:48 - end
its basically that with some improv.
tabbed by Nodnerb. Email me if you have questions. BTParker@comcast.net