Fall Out Boy - Thnks Fr Th Mmrs bass tab
12 measures of rest before bass enters.
Slide up on E then begin on fret 2 on A
KEY: ~ let ring
Gb |--------------------------------|
Db |--------------------------------|
Ab |222222222222222211111111--------|
Eb |------------------------22222222|
Gb |--------------------------------|
Db |--------------------------------|
Ab |----------------111111111111~~~~|
Eb |0000000055555555----------------|
Gb |--------------------------------|
Db |--------------------------------|
Ab |22222222------------------------|
Eb |--------333333330000000033335555|
Gb |---------------------------------|
Db |-----------------------------7~--|
Ab |22222222-------------------7~--7~|
Eb |--------333333335555555~------|
Theres a couple of hits in the mellow
section of the song. And also an Ab
build up with the upscale at the end
of section 2.
Thats pretty much the two basic
sections of the song. Hopefully I
don't need to go into detail when
pete continuously plays a note in
between sections cause im tired and
lazy =). Im sure theres something I
didnt hear but this is the basics and
should be enough for it to sound good.
Besides this is my first tab =). Enjoy
let me know if theres something I missed