Drowning Pool

Drowning Pool Video to Debut July 3

Drowning Pool

Drowning Pool has posted the following update:

"Hey Everyone-

As you all know, we have been actively trying to raise awareness for better medical care for our troops when they return from overseas. We are fortunate to be joining forces with the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America to help get the word out. Lizzie Palmer, 15 year old creator of the "Remember Me" video (seen over 13 million times on YouTube!) has been kind enough to make us a follow up video with "Soldiers." This will premiere here on MySpace July 3rd!

We have launched www.ThisIsForTheSoldiers.org for people to sign a petition that will go to Rep. Bob Filner, Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs. We encourage you to go there and send the link to a friend.

In the meantime, thanks for all of your support, look for us in the media over the course of the next few week, and grab the album on August 7th!