Drowning Pool

Drowning Pool take the fight to your phone

Drowning Pool

Drowning Pool continue their crusade for better medical treatment for the soldiers returning home battle by taking the fight to your cell phone. On the 4th of July, Drowning Pool and the Iraq Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) launched www.Thisisforthesoldiers.org. Now the campaign is coming to your cell phone.

All you have to do to show your support is text "Soldiers" to 30364 and you will be walked through a three-part texting process. Once you complete the process you will be signed up for the petition to support the Lane Evans Mental Health Reform Bill. Standard text messaging rate apply.

Whether you're for the war or against it, everyone has an obligation to support the men and women serving our country. One in three soldiers returning from battle will develop post traumatic stress disorder. 1.5 million soldiers have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. By singing the petition you will help the soldiers get the help they need.