Drowning Pool

Drowning Pool, IAVA & Lizzie Palmer Launch 'This Is For the Soldiers' Campaign

Drowning Pool

In what may seem like an unlikely alliance, hard rock band Drowning Pool, non-profit organization Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) and 15 year-old YouTube video producer Lizzie Palmer are teaming up to encourage young people to support expanded health care for veterans returning from Iraq & Afghanistan. They are launching a campaign called ‘This Is For the Soldiers' and asking Americans to support legislation currently before congress which addresses the urgent need to get better mental health care for veterans. The campaign includes a website (www.thisisforthesoldiers.org) which hosts a petition urging congress to support the Lane Evans Mental Health Care Reform bill along with a powerful music video created by Palmer.

To view the unreleased video, please follow the link below:
