Drowning Pool

Drowning Pool get animated on "Enemy"

Drowning Pool

Drowning Pool announced the world premiere of their new video for "Enemy" today on their Myspace page. The video features animated versions of the band rocking out to the song. To check out the exclusive premiere of the video go to Metalhammer.co.uk. "Enemy" is the second track off Drowning Pool's new album Full Circle. Check out the video for "Enemy" here

Recently Drowning Pool traveled to Washington DC, to deliver a petition to support the Lane Evans Mental Health Reform Bill. The petition was meant to encourage congress to fast track the bill to a vote, so that the troops returning home from battle can get the care they desperately need. While in Washington the band met with Presidential candidate Barack Obama to educate him on the bill and to get his support. Check out the video of Drowning Pool in Washington, DC with Obama here: http://www.ivpnewmedia.com/10thst/dpvideo/pc.htm