
Chimaira Mark Checks In


Hey everyone, just want to let you know that we are having a great time over here. These have been some of the best shows we have ever played. We have made some great friends in Hatesphere (who you all need to check out) and Dark Tranquility. We get along so great with Swedes for some reason, they always make us feel like family we have known for years. Tonight we played in Hamburg and for fun we played the entire (well almost but i will get to that in a minute) new record in order. We also played a couple old ones then i found out that we had no more time left so we could not finish with Lazarus so next time we decide to pull this type of stunt i will make sure we have enough time! The best shows so far have been London, Paris, Utrecht and tonight in Hamburg. So below you see that we are getting ready for the Christmas shows in Cleveland...let me tell you that you won't want to miss EITHER show. This is hands down the coolest set lists we have come up with. After that we are going to celebrate the new year with a long deserved vacation. We are working on 3 more tours for this record then we hope to hit the studio before the end of the year but of course this is all speculation. Thanks to all for making this a great fucking year for us and we will see you soon!
