Bobby Brown

Actress says Bobby Brown had a jones for her

Bobby Brown

Reality show curiosity Bobby Brown has been denying Lowdown's exclusive that his 14-year-old marriage to Whitney Houston is in trouble. The 36-year-old crooner told People mag that his 42-year-old wife was "definitely upset" and interrogated him over Lowdown's report that he flirted with young women at a concert, and told them: "We ain't together no more. We're getting a divorce."

"I joke a lot," Brown explained.

So maybe he was joking when - according to actress Tamala Jones - he crudely propositioned her during Nick Cannon's birthday party at an L.A. bowling alley.

Brown was "drunk and jaws just clicking and clacking back and forth," Jones says in the latest issue of Smooth magazine. "He came over and said, 'What's up?' ... He picks me up and he's like, 'I heard you been in Atlanta, girl. Why you don't come and see me? Don't you know I always wanted to f- you?' I'm like, 'Boy you better put me down! I am dating somebody that's in the business, and he's from Atlanta. ... You know my dude and I know your wife.' ... He said he wasn't even with Whitney anymore."

During a second close encounter, Jones says, "I got snatched back. ... It was Bobby; he pulled me by my hair and kind of like pulled me back. I was like, 'You better stop playing,' and I walked on. Then he yanked me back harder and now my whole body tripped back and I'm 'bout to fall. I turn around and he pushes me. I push him back! Then he pushes me again. So I sock-push his a-!" She says Bobby's brother Tommy broke it up.

But yesterday, Tommy Brown told Lowdown: "I have no comment on that. Bobby won't have a comment on that. ... Have a good day."