Artists starting with T
- THE HERO movie
- The Hex Girls
- The Hidden Cameras
- The Hidden Hand
- The High Court
- The Higher
- The Highwayman
- The Hint
- The Hippos
- The Hive
- The Hives
- The Hold Steady
- The Holidays
- The Holloways
- The Holly Springs Disaster
- The Honey Brothers
- The Honey Trees
- The Honeyz
- The Honor System
- The Honorary Title
- The Hoosiers
- The Hooten Hallers
- The Hooters
- The Hope Conspiracy
- The Hopeless
- The Hormonauts
- The Horrible Crowes
- The Horrorist
- The Horrors
- The Hot Lies
- The Hours
- The House Of Heroes
- The Hudson Falcons
- The Human Abstract
- The Huntingtons
- The Hurt Process
- The Husbands
- The Hush Sound
- The Icarus Line
- The Icicle Works
- The Idle Race
- The Ikettes
- The Illuminati
- The Immortals
- The Impossibles
- The Inchtabokatables
- The Incredible String Band
- The Infadels
- The Infamous Stringdusters