
Update: Akon Busted Assaulting Fan On Stage !


Akon has been caught throwing fans off the stage into the audience below again however, this time the video shows him assaulting one female fan before throwing her off the stage.

According to recent reports and a video that surfaced late this week, Akon was caught throwing two female fans at a concert in South America on August 30th just days before his court appearance in Fishkill Town Court. Pleading not guilty and requesting a jury trial Wednesday, Akon forgot to mention that he threw and assaulted the two women just a few days before.   In the video (below), the star is seen stage diving into the crowd. As he makes his way over excited fans he returns to the stage to find two young female fans dancing there. The footage shows the star grabbing one of the girls and pushing her into the crowd on top of concertgoers underneath. The star then grabs the other fan who he appears to assault and does the same with her.     Akon is due in court over the original "fan-throwing" incident on December 1st.