
Adema check in from Iraq


"Hey Adema fans, what's up! Day Two of our USO tour in the Persian Gulf

is over and what a life-changing experience. It was Luke's first show

with Adema and he was amazing. He made all the troops feel like they

had a touch of home besides putting on a great show. The show tonight

was at *****. It is just a stopping point for many of our friends in

the Armed Forces, a majority of which are in the Army, that prepares

them for their time on the front lines. These troops are amazing and

almost every time we tried to thank them they told us they were just

doing their job and they really wanted to thank everyone back home.

These guys are in the desert for a long time and a month from now the

temperature will be 140 degrees (it's only 100 today!) They see nothing

but sand all day and they all live in tents. The Camp Commander and his

staff are unbelievable and they truly love the men and women they are

taking care of. The show was great. They built us a stage on the

outdoor basketball court and it was perfect. The troops were all

carrying M-16's while they were in the mosh pit and crowd surfing -- now

that is hardcore. Afterwards we went and humbly signed autographs for

everyone, and meeting and talking to these men and women reminds you

just how big a sacrifice they are making. Imagine being away from your

family for a year and being at war. I can't, especially over here.

Every troop thanked us for coming but we couldn't help but think that we

are supposed to be here and this is the least we could do."

-Adema guitarist Tim Fluckey

"Hey everybody, hello again from the Middle East! Today we got to play

at ***** right outside of *****. The facility here is very modern and a

lot different from most camps over here. The troops have a pool,

Subway, Baskin Robbins, Nathan's Hot Dogs and a store that looks like a

Wal-Mart. It doesn't mean that it's any easier. At the camp they take

care of tons of stuff but mostly all the trucking of supplies. We were

lucky enough to meet Col. Brick T. Miller, commander of all the forces

here. Col. Miller presented to us an award for coming over here and let

us know how much they appreciated us coming over here. It got up to 120

degrees today -- that's like being a roast in a crockpot. We were also

in our first sandstorm. If you want to know what that is like, take a

blowdryer, point it toward your face and throw some sand in there. Good

times. The show was great and the soldiers rocked it. It is so cool to

try out our new music on these guys and girls and everybody is having a

great time. Tomorrow we go to ***** and we will let you know how it


-Adema guitarist Tim Fluckey

Following Adema's Persian Gulf Tour, the band hits US soil for a

headlining US tour starting April 10. Adema's Earache Records debut

album, "Planets", hits US stores April 5.